Economic development across the fragile communities
This project is funded by Masar Ibrahim Al Khalil 2014-2016. In the beginning PWLS worked to Introduce the project and conduct Six Walks, combined with Voluntary works cleanups for the Masar, First of all the meeting project introduction and activities introduction were given to 24 girls in addition to the officials of the scouts. Afterwards PWLS implemented with cooperation of the Directorate of Education Jenin and Nablus six walks for the scout groups in schools as follow: First and second walk; these walks were held for the Directorates of Education in Ramallah, Beireh and South Nablus to walk from Majdal Bani Fadel about 50 males attended. Another walk was held for the Directorates of education in Ramallah, Beireh and South Nablus to walk from Majdal Bani Fadel about 65 girls attended. Third and fourth walk; implemented the second voluntary walk cleanups from AL Ein to Al Shalalat in Jericho with 75 youths with their teachers. Another walk was implemented and voluntary walk cleanups from AL Ein to Al Shalalat in Jericho with 60 Girls with their teachers.Fifth and Sixth walk; PWLS implemented the fourth voluntary walk cleanups at Ein Al Sultan in Jericho with 37 male’s youths from Jericho, Noiema and Al Oja and 13 of their teachers and leaders. Furthermore, PWLS implemented the fourth voluntary walk cleanups at spring of Al Oja in Jericho with 27 girls from Jericho and Al Oja and 8 of their teachers and leaders.
PWLS Signed a contract with the Higher Council for Youth & Sports-Bethlehem to start implement the walks and a startup workshop. PWLS implemented the introductory workshop in the Higher Council for Youth & Sports office, 26 youth attended. Afterwards PWLS started to implement the walks as follow: First walk from Abu Haneya tent- Dar Salah to Mar Saba-Jerusalem Wilderness. 41 youth attended from Al Esteklal youth union, Al tufola center, Halhol Club, Orthodox Club of Beit Jala and Beit Sahour and Youth of Takoua. During the walk PWLS explained to the youth about the nature and the historical stories of this site and how it considered as an important bird area in Mar Saba. During their walk they did clean ups of the site. Second walk from Ertas Solomon Pools to Bethlehem to Beit Basa-Beit Sahour. 30 youth attended from Community Youth Center, Al Esteklal Youth Union, Students Forum and Youth of Takoua. Third Walk was through Takou in Wad Hajjar to Rashayda about 20km. Forth Walk was with cooperation of Bethlehem University with the presence of the French Donors, tourist guides and the scouts of Hebron and Bethlehem; they walked from Wad Hajjar to Arab Rashayda. Fifth Walk was from Rashayda to the Dead Sea view area with the participation of Hebron, Bethlehem and Jerusalem scouts. About 70 participants attended because this area considers the best of the walks. Sixth walk from Arab Rashayda to Bani Neam 29 participant attended from Al Quds open Uni, Rafugee Center and Higher Council for Youth. Seventh walk was from Dora to Kharsa (al-Thahreya) 40 participant attended from Student Forum, Higher Council for Youth, Jerusalem Masars Group andChild Club-Beit Fajjar. Eighth Walk was from Wad Kalt to Jericho and Al Oja, 67 participant attended from Student Forum, Higher Council for Youth, Orthodox club-Beit Sahour and Al Esteklal Club.
PWLS implemented a workshop in PWLS office to introduce the 15 days walk to the participants. 11 participants attended from Tarqumiah Youth Club, Halhul Youth Club, Fawar Youth Club, Takou Youth Club, Beit Fajar Multqa El-shabab, Essad El-Toofolah, El-Esteqlal Youth Union, Dar El kalemah-Bethlehem, and Youth Leaders CLUB. All the group agreed about their mission after the 15 days walk and on the dates to start the Walks. PWLS implemented walk 1+2: from Tell Tienek-Burqeen–Arraba-Jenin, they walked about 35 KM. PWLS implemented walk 3+4: from Arabba – Sanor (Jenin)-Sabastia Nablus, they walked about 31KM. PWLS implemented walk 5+6 from Awarta – Duma (Nablus)-Kufur Malek Ramallah, they walked around 28KM. PWLS implemented walk 7 from Ein Samia-Ramallah to al Oja-Jericho, The Group started to walk from Ein Samia in the North of Ramallah. Due to the positive reputation of the walks, in this walk more 7 external persons attended the walk from the existing clubs. PWLS implemented walk 8 date from Nabi Musa-Akba Jaber-Jericho, PWLS implemented walk 9 from Sea Level-Jerusalem Wilderness-Mar Saba, PWLS implemented walk 10 from Takou wilderness-Wadi Hajjar- Arab Rashayda. PWLS implemented walk 11 from Arab Rashayda-Wadi Khar-Bani Neam, PWLS implemented walk 12 from Bani Neam to Hebron. At the end, PWLS implemented the final walk from Dora to Thahreya,