Towards a Safe Culture for Bird Flu in Palestine
On Saturday 15/1/2022, Palestine Wildlife Society holds its first dialogue session for 2022
Entitled: "Towards a Safe Culture for Bird Flu in Palestine" ,at its headquarters in Beit Sahour /Environmental Salon.
Participated by:
Veterinarian Dr. Kamel Abu Amiriyah / Director General of Veterinary Services in Bethlehem Governorate about the current conditions of the disease in Palestine and the follow-up of the Ministry and the National Committee for the disease at the national level.
And Mr. Ibrahim Al-Khidr/ Director of Bird Life International Middle East, in which he spoke about the disease situation at the global level in terms of the migration of wild birds, especially that we are at the gates of spring migration and the stay of some types of wild birds during the autumn season in the region?
And Mr. Khaled Hammouda / a specialist in environmental pathways and nature protection in the triangle, who spoke about the situation of the disease in all its forms in the area of Lake Houla and the circumstances that led to the extermination of more than ten thousand al Karaki / Rahoo birds in the lake, and the most important reasons that led to death process to the degree This high.
And Mr. Imad Al-Atrash/Executive Director of Wildlife, who spoke about two topics related to important sites for birds in Palestine, which the association implemented since 1999 and 2017, in cooperation with the Environmental Quality Authority, the Ministry of Agriculture, BirdLife International and the World Union for Conservation of Nature.
On his part, A. Ibrahim Al-Khidr that the International BirdLife Foundation is closely following the matter at the international level, and that its relationship with partners is continuous to the most important or red points in all regions, and that there is no blame on migratory birds that they are carriers or carriers of the disease.
At the end of the distinguished session, which was moderated by a highly professional. Ibrahim Fawzi Odeh, a specialist in environmental media in Palestine and director of wildlife programs in Palestine, opened a long discussion between the lecturers and the audience, and the session lasted for more than two hours.
More than 30 specialists in veterinary medicine, wildlife and nature protection, from five Arab countries, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Palestine, participated in this session.
Representatives of the AXA Foundation / Arab Organization for Livestock Resources participated for the first time in the dialogue sessions of the Association.