Bio gas
This project is funded by the European Union- Jerusalem 2013-2015. The PWLS, together with the Herb Society and the Agriculture Engineering House, conducted numerous site visits in order to meet with community leaders from Auja, Bani Naim (Masafer Yatta), Um Khair (Arab Jahaleen), Caabna (Auja region) and Arab al Rashaida, and in cooperation with them selected the second group of 37 families to receive biogas systems. During the process of selecting the families, PWLS also identified, together with the community leaders, one to two local residents from each community to be trained as on-site biogas technicians able to provide basic technical support, thus ensuring that the families have the support they need during the critical first few months of use, in order to guarantee sustainable introduction of the biogas systems to the communities.
The first round of 38 biogas systems was installed from May-July 2015 in selected rural Bedouin communities in the West Bank by the newly trained trainers. The second round of installations took place from December 2015-February 2016, as an additional 37 families received their biogas systems. PWLS followed up on the preparatory activities conducted in the first year of implementation by collecting and testing grey water samples from Auja. The results of these tests were then used to help design a simple grey water system. Ultimately, 55 grey water systems were installed in Auja and Arab al Rashaida. During the installation days, the students and young volunteers who installed the systems also trained the recipient families to use the grey water systems and provided them with fruit trees that could be watered with the water received from the systems. As was done with the biogas systems, follow up to monitor the functioning of the grey water systems occurred both on days specially designated for that purpose as well as on later installation days, as the trainers and experts examined the systems which had been previously installed.