
الإسم العلميالإسم العربيالعائلةالحالةحالة الحفظ
Rock hyrax
Procavia capensisالوبر الصخريProcavideaHyrax spreads in Palestine especially in the Galilee over the Mount Carmel area, and in Ain Jedi near the Dead Sea.
Canis lupusالذئبCanidaethe wolf lives in big numbers in the desert .in the Naqab region and in areas between Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley and the mountains of Nablus there are Four types and species of wolf, it defer in size and color depending on the environment or the area in which they live in
Canis aureusابن آوىCanidaeIt’s found in areas of Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley
Red Fox
Vulpes vulpesالثعلب الأحمر CanidaeHe is in big numbers in Palestine, It resides in Jerusalem and Nablus Mountains it live individually not in the form of groups as some thinks.
Rueppell's sand fox
Vulpes rueppelliiثعلب الرمالCanidaeThis type spreads in the desert areas in Jordan and Palestine and north of the Dead Sea area
Fennec Fox
Vulpes zerdaالفنكCanidaeIt resides in the desert regions of Palestine near the Dead Sea
Mustela nivalisابن عرسMustellidaeIt resides in Jerusalem, Jericho and mountainous areas, and coastal plain
Common Badger
Meles melesالغريرة- غريراء زبربMustellidaeOften found near populated places searching for the food, humans still hunts it for its delicious meat. And in the forests and mountainous areas of Nablus and the Upper Jordan Valley
Persian Otter
Lutra lutraكلب الماء أو ثعلب النهر أو قضاعةMustellidaeIt resides at the Dead Sea and the Jordan River area
The Ratel, Honey Badger
Mellivora capensisالراتل أو غرير العسلMustellidaeIt resides in the Dead Sea area and mountainous areas in Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nablus
Marbled polecat
Vormela peregusnaابن عرس المنتنMustellidaeResides in the Jordan valley and mountainous areas and The coastal plain areas
Beech marten
Martes foinaخز الزانMustellidaeIt resides in areas of Jerusalem, Hebron and Nablus
Egyptian Mongoose
Hepestes ichneumonالنمس أو النسناسViverridaeHe lives in the pits. Feeds on lizards, snakes, mice, and rats. It resides in the north and south of the Dead Sea and the coastal plain and Jerusalem area
European genet
Genetta genettaالجرنيطViverridaeLocated between Jerusalem and Hebron and the Dead Sea area
Striped Hyaena
Hyaena hyaenaالضبع المخططHyaenidaeThe hyena is a very common animals in Palestine, It resides in the southern mountainous areas and the Jordan Valley and Jerusalem but its numbers are continuously decreasing.
Palestine Jungle cat
Felis chausقط الخلا الفلسطينيFelidaelast time it was seen was at 1970 ,its region is the Dead Sea and Jericho
Felis caracalالوشق أو عناق الأرضFelidaeRecorded in the northern Dead Sea area Jordan River area –its Endangered and decreasing in numbers
Arabian leopard
Panthera pardus nimrالنمر العربيFelidaeIt was located in the west of the Dead Sea area and now extinct
Acinonyx jubatusفهد FelidaeIt was located in the west of the shores of the Dead Sea area
Syrian Brown Bear
Ursus arctos syriacus الدب البني السوريUrsidaeThe Syrian brown bear sleeps and hibernates in caves and hollow trees found in mountainous areas in Palestine and It is already extinct
Alpine ibex
Capra Ibexالبدن، أو الوعلBovidaeIt resides in the Jordan Valley from the north to the south in the rocky areas of the eastern slopes of the mountains of Jerusalem
Mountain gazelle
Gazella gazelleالغزال الجبلي الفلسطينيBovidaeIt resides in the Jordan Valley and the mountainous forest areas
White oryx
Oryx leucoryxالمهاة العربيBovidaeHe lived in the Palestinian desert , it Did not see in Palestine for more than a hundred years, It came from Jordan
Persian fallow deer
Dama dama mesopotamicaالأيل الأسمر الفارسيCervidaeIt was present in the north of Palestine since the BC- record in 1750 in Tiberias area
Roe deer
Capreolus capreolusاليحمور الأوروبيّCervidaeIt was in Palestine since the Old Testament - No recorded history for its existence from about at least a hundred years ago
Wild boar
Sus scrofaالخنزير البريSuidaeIt exists in abundance in the Jordan Valley and the Jordan River and in the forests and mountainous areas and the coast
Indian crested porcupine
Hystrix indicaالشيهم الهنديHystricidaeIt resides in East Jerusalem to Jericho areas
Caucasian squirrel
Sciurus anomalusالسنجاب الفارسيSciuridaeIt resides in East Jerusalem to Jericho areas
Palestinian mole-rate
Spalax leucodonالخلد الفلسطينيSpalcaidaeIt resides in East Jerusalem to Jericho areas
Gray dwarf hamster
Cricetulus migratoriusقداد مهاجرCricetidaeIt resides in East Jerusalem to Jericho areas
Golden hamster, or Syrian hamster
Mesocricetus auratusقداد ذهبيCricetidaeIt resides in the mountainous areas around Jerusalem
Sand rat
Psammomys obesusفأر الرمل السمينMuridaeLocated in various regions of Palestine depending on the temperature and altitude above sea level and also near the Mediterranean Sea Coast
Anderson s gerbil
Gerbillus andersoniعضل أندرسونيMuridaeLocated in various regions of Palestine depending on the temperature and altitude above sea level and also near the Mediterranean Sea Coast
Allenby's gerbil
Gerbillus allenbyعضل اللنبيMuridaeLocated in various regions of Palestine depending on the temperature and altitude above sea level and also near the Mediterranean Sea Coast
lesser Egyptian gerbil
Gerbillus gerbillusعضل مصري صغيرMuridaeLocated in various regions of Palestine depending on the temperature and altitude above sea level and also near the Mediterranean Sea Coast
Greater Egyptian gerbil
Gerbillus pyramidumعضل مصري كبيرMuridaeLocated in various regions of Palestine depending on the temperature and altitude above sea level and also near the Mediterranean Sea Coast
Libyan jird
Meriones libycusجرد ليبيMuridaeLocated in various regions of Palestine depending on the temperature and altitude above sea level and also near the Mediterranean Sea Coast
Tristram's jird
Meriones tristramiجردMuridaeLocated in various regions of Palestine depending on the temperature and altitude above sea level and also near the Mediterranean Sea Coast
Palestine rat
Meriones sacramentiجربوع فلسطينيMuridaeLocated in various regions of Palestine depending on the temperature and altitude above sea level and also near the Mediterranean Sea Coast
Broad-toothed field mouse
Apodemus mystacinusالفأر الحقليMuridaeLocated in various regions of Palestine depending on the temperature and altitude above sea level and also near the Mediterranean Sea Coast
Cairo spiny mouse
Acomys cahirinusفأر شوكي مصريMuridaeLocated in various regions of Palestine depending on the temperature and altitude above sea level and also near the Mediterranean Sea Coast
Golden spiny mouse
Acomys russatusفأر شوكي ذهبيMuridaeLocated in various regions of Palestine depending on the temperature and altitude above sea level and also near the Mediterranean Sea Coast
Short-tailed bandicoot rat
Nesokia indicaركين هندي قصير الذيلMuridaeLocated in various regions of Palestine depending on the temperature and altitude above sea level and also near the Mediterranean Sea Coast
Black rat
Rattus rattusالجرذ الأسود / جرذ المنزلMuridaeLocated in various regions of Palestine depending on the temperature and altitude above sea level and also near the Mediterranean Sea Coast
Brown rat
Rattus norvegicusالجرذ البنيMuridaeLocated in various regions of Palestine depending on the temperature and altitude above sea level and also near the Mediterranean Sea Coast
House mouse
Mus musculusفأر المنازلMuridaeLocated in various regions of Palestine depending on the temperature and altitude above sea level and also near the Mediterranean Sea Coast
Garden dormouse
Eliomys quercinusزغبة بلوطيةGliridaeLocated in various regions of Palestine depending on the temperature and altitude above sea level and also near the Mediterranean Sea Coast
Forest dormouse
Dryomys nitedulaزغبة الغاباتGliridaeLocated in various regions of Palestine depending on the temperature and altitude above sea level and also near the Mediterranean Sea Coast
Cape hare
Lepus capensisالارنب البنيLeporidaeFound in most Palestinian areas, mountainous areas and semi-desert of the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea
European hare
Lepus europaeusالارنب الأوروبيLeporidaeFound in most Palestinian areas, mountainous areas and semi-desert of the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea
European hedgehog
Erinaceus europaeusالقنفذ الأوروبيErinaceidaeThis Family is active at night, Feeds on animals and plants, found in most regions of Palestine, especially in forests, parks and wilderness areas and meadows, and in the desert as well.
Desert hedgehog
Paraechinus aethiopicusقنفذ حبشيErinaceidaeFound in most regions of Palestine, especially in forests, parks and wilderness areas and meadows, and in the desert as well.
Long-eared hedgehog
Hemiechinus auritusقنفذ طويل الأذنErinaceidaeFound in most regions of Palestine, especially in forests, parks and wilderness areas and meadows, and in the desert as well.
Greater white-toothed shrew
Crocidura russulaالزبابة مزدوج لون الأصابعSoricidaeIt’s similar to mice and rats with its fur hair and no spines. Some live in the dense vegetation wet areas, and some in the mountainous areas close to streams, swamps and rivers.
Bicolored shrew
Crocidura leucodon(زبابة بيضاء الأسنان ( ذات لونينSoricidaeSome live in the dense vegetation wet areas, and some in the mountainous areas close to streams, swamps and rivers.
Greater white-toothed shrew
Crocidura russulaزبابة بيضاء الأسنان /كبيرةSoricidaeIt’s similar to mice and rats with its fur hair and no spines. Some live in the dense vegetation wet areas, and some in the mountainous areas close to streams, swamps and rivers.
Lesser white-toothed shrew
Crocidura suaveolensزباب أصغر أبيض الأسنانSoricidaeSome live in the dense vegetation wet areas, and some in the mountainous areas close to streams, swamps and rivers.
Etruscan shrew
Suncus etruscus(الزبابة القزم (جرذ المسكSoricidaeSome live in the dense vegetation wet areas, and some in the mountainous areas close to streams, swamps and rivers.
Mediterranean horseshoe bat
Rhinolophus euryaleخفاش البحر المتوسطRhinolophidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Greater horseshoe bat
Rhinolophus ferrumequinumخفاش حذوة الحصان الكبيرRhinolophidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Geoffroy's horseshoe bat
Rhinolophus clivosusخفاش حذوة فرس كرتشمارRhinolophidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Blasius's horseshoe bat
Rhinolophus blasiiخفاش حذوة بطرسRhinolophidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Lesser horseshoe bat
Rhinolophus hipposiderosخفاش أبو حذوة صغيرRhinolophidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
European free-tailed bat
Tadarida teniotisخفاش أوروبي حر الذيلMolossidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Egyptian free-tailed bat
Tadarida aegyptiacaخفاش مصري حر الذيلMolossidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Egyptian slit-faced bat
Nycteris thebaicaخفاش طيبةNycteridaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Naked-rumped tomb bat
Taphozous nudiventrisخفاش عاري البطنEmballonuridaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Egyptian tomb bat
Taphozous perforatusخفاش مصر ذو الغمدEmballonuridaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Egyptian fruit bat
Rousettus aegyptiacusخفاش الفاكهة المصريPteropodidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Lesser mouse-tailed bat
Rhinopoma hardwickiiالخفاش الفأر ذو الذنب الصغيرRhinopomatidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Greater mouse-tailed bat
Rhinopoma microphyllumالخفاش الفأر ذو الذنب الكبيرRhinopomatidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Trident bat
Asellia tridensخفاش مثلث الأنفHipposideridaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Barbastella barbastellusخفاش برباستيلVespertilionidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Big brown bat
Eptesicus fuscusالخفاش البني الكبيرVespertilionidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Botta's serotine
Eptesicus bottaeخفاش بوتاVespertilionidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Common bent-wing bat
Miniopterus schreibersiiخفاش طويل الأجنحةMiniopteridaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Lesser mouse-eared bat
Myotis blythiiالوطواط المصري الصغيرVespertilionidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Long-fingered bat
Myotis capacciniiوطواط تلحميVespertilionidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Geoffroy's bat
Myotis emarginatusخفاش جوفرواVespertilionidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Greater mouse-eared bat
Myotis myotisالوطواط المصري الكبيرVespertilionidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Natterer's bat
Myotis nattereriخفاش ناتوريVespertilionidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Common noctule
Nyctalus noctulaخفاش الليل الشائعVespertilionidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Desert long-eared bat
Otonycteris hemprichiiخفاش طويل الأذنVespertilionidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Kuhl's pipistrelle
Pipistrellus kuhliiخفاش كوليVespertilionidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Common pipistrelle
Pipistrellus pipistrellusخفاش شائع , خفاش بيبيستريل عاديVespertilionidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Rüppell's pipistrelle
Pipistrellus rueppelliiخفاش الرمالVespertilionidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.
Grey long-eared bat
Plecotus austriacusخفاش رمادي طويل الأذنVespertilionidaeSome of them are located in humid areas. In caves or in forests, it have been recorded in various parts of Palestine depending on the type of food it eats.