
الإسم العلميالإسم العربيالعائلةالحالةحالة الحفظ
Little Grebe
Tachybaptys ruficollisالغطاس الصغيرPodicipedidaeCommon resident and winter visitor
Great Crested Grebe
Podiceps Cristatus الغطاس المتوج الكبيرPodicipedidaeLocally common, winter visitor
Great white pelican
Pelecanus onocrotalusالبجعة البيضاء الكبيرةPelecanidaeLarge numbers on migration through (Apr, Oct - Dec), uncommon in winter mainly in N, rare in summer
Pygmy cormorant
Microcarbo pygmeusغراب الماء القزمي PhalacrocoracidaeCommon resident in N Valleys and N Med Coast
Great cormoant
Phalacrocorax carboغراب البحرPhalacrocoracidaeVery common winter visitor
Great Bitten
Botaurus stellaris(بوبو (الواق الكبيرArdeidaeUncommon winter visitor
Little Bitten
Ixobrychus minutusالواق الصغيرArdeidaeResident in reed beds in N and C, uncommon on migration throughout the country
Black-crowned Night-heron
Nycticoorax nycticoraxبلشون الليل ArdeidaeVery common resident in N and C, common on migration throughout the country
Squacco Heron
Ardeola ralloidesواق أبيض صغيرArdeidaeLocally common summer visitor in reed beds in N and C, common on migration throughout the country, uncommon in winter
Cattle Egret
Bubulcus ibisابو قردانArdeidaeVery common resident in Palestine
Grey Heron
Ardea cinereaبلشون رماديArdeidaeVery common on migration and in winter throughout the country, rare in summer
Purple Heron
Adea purpureaبلشون إرجواني ArdeidaeLocally scarce resident in reed beds in N, uncommon on migration throughout the country
Great Egret
Casmerodius albusمالك الحزين الكبيرArdeidaeCommon on migration and in winter
Little Egret
Egretta garzettaالبلشون الأبيض الصغيرArdeidaeVery common resident in Palestine, common on migration and in winter throughout the country
Black Stork
Ciconia nigraاللقلق الأسودCiconiidaeCommon on migration (Mar - Apr, Sep - Oct), locally common in winter
White Stork
Ciconia ciconiaاللقلق الأبيضCiconiidaeLarge numbers on migration (Mar - May, Aug - Oct), common in winter
Marabou Stork
Leptoptilos crumeniferusاللقلق المرابطCiconiidaeVagrant –RECORDED ON THE 23 OF APRIL 2015-Tarqomiyah-Hebron
Yellow-billed Stork
Mycteria ibisاللقلق اصفر المنقارCiconiidaeVery rare visitor, mainly in summer-Wadi Qana –Sulfate 29 April 2015
Eurasian Spoonbill
Platalea leucorodiaأبو ملعقة الأبيضThreskiornithidaeLocally common in winter and on migration
Glossy Ibis
Plegadis falcinellusأبو منجل اللماعThreskiornithidaeCommon resident in Palestine (Nablus, Jenin and TulKarem ), common on migration throughout 22 the country
Northern Bald Ibis
Geronticus eremitaأبو منجل الأصلع ThreskiornithidaeVagrant (through Jordan River and Dead Sea Area-Birdlife International) Occasional
Greater Flamingo
Phoenicopterus roseus(النحام الكبير (البشروشPhoenicopteridaeLocally common in winter and on migration, rare in summer(PWLS Record Gaza August 2000)
Ruddy Shelduck
Tadorna ferrugineaبط أبو فروة AnatidaeRare in winter
Common Shelduck
Tadorna tadornaالشهرمانAnatidaeLocally common winter visitor
Egyptian Goose
Alopechon aegyptiusالإوزَّة المصريَّةAnatidaeMigrants accidental till 80's. Recent records are of a feral populations
Anas streperaبط سماريAnatidaeScarce in winter
Eurasian Wigeon
Anas penelopeالصوايAnatidaeLocally common in winter and on migration
Anas platyrhynchosالخضاريAnatidaeCommon resident throughout the country, very common in winter and migration
Northern Shoveler
Anas clypeata(الكيش ( أبو مجرفAnatidaeVery common in winter and on migration
Northern Pintail
Anas acutaالبلبولAnatidaeCommon in winter and on migration
Anas querquedulaحذف صيفي AnatidaeCommon on migration, very rare breeder in N
Common Teal
Anas creccaحذف شتوي AnatidaeVery common in winter and on migration
Marbled Teal
Marmaronetta angustirostrisشرشير مخططAnatidaeRare breeder in Marj Ibn Amer, in winter seen mainly in Marj Ibn Amer
Red-crested Pochard
Netta rufinaالونسAnatidaeRare in winter
Ferruginous Duck
Aythya nyrocaالبطة الحديديةAnatidaeVery rare breeder mainly in Jerusalem Wilderness, uncommon in winter
Common Pochard
Aythya ferinaحمراويAnatidaeCommon in winter and on migration
Tufted Duck
Aythya fuligulaزرقايAnatidaeCommon in winter and on migration
Red-breasted Merganser
Mergus serratorالبلقشة حمراء الصدرAnatidaeVery rare in winter
White-headed Duck
Oxyura leucocephala(أبو مروحة (بط أبيض الرأس AnatidaeLocally common in winter (Oct - Mar), mainly in Marj Ibn Amer and Jerusalem Mouuntian
Egyptian Vulture
Neophron percnopterusالرخمة المصريةAccipitridaeUncommon and threatened summer visitor, Jerusalem Wilderness and. Common on migration
Griffon Vulture
Gyps fulvusنسر أسمر أو نسر غريفينAccipitridaeUncommon and threatened resident, Jerusalem Wilderness
Lappet-faced Vulture
Torgos tracheliotusنسر أذون أو العقاب النوبيAccipitridaeExtinct as breeder, vagrant South East of Hebron, North of Negev
Cinereous Vulture
Aegypius monachusالنسر الأسود AccipitridaeRare in winter (Nov - mar), mainly Umm tut in Jenine
White-tailed Eagle
Haliaeetus albicillaعُقاب البحر أبيض الذيلAccipitridaeRare winter visitor mainly to N, reintroduced resident in Jerecho 1998
Lesser Spotted Eagle
Aquila pomarinaعقاب أسفع (أرقط) صغير AccipitridaeLarge numbers on migration (Apr, Oct),. Rare in winter
Greater Spotted Eagle
Aquila clangaعقاب أسفع (أرقط) كبير AccipitridaeUncommon winter visitor (Nov - Mar), mainly in N. Rare on migration
Steppe Eagle
Aquila nipalensis عقاب السهول أو عقاب الباديةAccipitridaeCommon on migration (Oct - Nov, Feb - Mar), mainly in S. Rare in winter
Eastern Imperial Eagle
Aquila heliacaملك العُقبان AccipitridaeUncommon winter visitor (Nov - Mar), mainly in Jericho 2005 . Rare on migration
Golden Eagle
Aquila chrysaetosالعُقاب الذهبي AccipitridaeVery rare resident in West Bank(Breeding in West Bank) , rare visitor
Bonelli's Eagle
Aquila fasciataعقاب بونيللي او عقاب مخططAccipitridaeVery rare resident West bank , uncommon outside breeding season
Booted Eagle
Aquila pennataعقاب المسيرة اوعقاب المنتعلةAccipitridaeCommon on migration, uncommon winter visitor
Short-toed Snake-eagle
Circaetus gallicus(عقاب صرارة (نسر الثعابينAccipitridaeCommon summer visitor (Mar - Aug. Common on migration and Breeding in West bank
Terathopius ecaudatusعقاب حكيم أو العقاب المصفقAccipitridaeVagrant 8 records, last on 2015 Tarqomia-Hebron PWLS
Black-winged Kite
Elanus caeruleusحدأة سوداء الجناحAccipitridaeRare and local resident, Jenin –Tubas 2016
Black Kite
Milvus migransالحدأة السوداءAccipitridaeVery common in winter mainly, and on migration (Jericho, Jordan Valley and Jenin
Western Marsh-harrier
Circus aeruginosusمرزة البطائح AccipitridaeCommon on migration and in winter, uncommon summer non-breeding
Hen Harrier
Circus cyaneusمرزة الدجاجAccipitridaeVery rare on migration, common winter visitor
Pallid Harrier
Circus macrourus(مرزة بغثاء(باهتة AccipitridaeUncommon on migration and in winter (Oct - Apr)
Montagu's Harrier
Circus pygargusأبو شودة أو مرزة مونتاجوAccipitridaeUncommon on migration
Common Buzzard
Buteo buteoالصقر الحوامAccipitridaeCommon winter visitor
Steppe Buzzard
Buteo (buteo) vulpinusحوام السهولAccipitridaeLarge numbers mainly on spring migration (Mar - May)
Long-legged Buzzard
Buteo rufinusالحوام طويل الساق AccipitridaeUncommon resident,. Common migrant and winter visitor
European Honey-buzzard
Pernis apivorusصقر العسلAccipitridaeLarge numbers on migration (Aug - Sep in N & C, Apr - May in S)
Oriental Honey-buzzard
Pernis ptilorhyncus(حوام النحل الآسيوي (المتوج AccipitridaeSome Highlights from spring 2016
Levant Sparrowhawk
Accipiter brevipesالباشق الشامي أو البيدق أو الباشق المشرقيّAccipitridaeLarge numbers on migration (Winter)
Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Accipiter nisus(الباشق (باشق العصافي AccipitridaeUncommon resident , common migrant and winter visitor throughout the country
Northern Goshawk
Accipiter gentilisالباز AccipitridaeRare in winter (Nov - mar)
Pandion haliaetus(عقاب نساري (عقاب السمك PandionidaeLocally common on migration and in winter, mainly Jericho and Rift Valley
Common Name
Scientific NameتجربةةasdasdFamilyStatus & distribution