Little Grebe |
Tachybaptys ruficollis | الغطاس الصغير | Podicipedidae | Common resident and winter visitor |
Great Crested Grebe |
Podiceps Cristatus | الغطاس المتوج الكبير | Podicipedidae | Locally common, winter visitor |
Great white pelican |
Pelecanus onocrotalus | البجعة البيضاء الكبيرة | Pelecanidae | Large numbers on migration through (Apr, Oct - Dec), uncommon in winter mainly in N, rare in summer |
Pygmy cormorant |
Microcarbo pygmeus | غراب الماء القزمي | Phalacrocoracidae | Common resident in N Valleys and N Med Coast |
Great cormoant |
Phalacrocorax carbo | غراب البحر | Phalacrocoracidae | Very common winter visitor |
Great Bitten |
Botaurus stellaris | (بوبو (الواق الكبير | Ardeidae | Uncommon winter visitor |
Little Bitten |
Ixobrychus minutus | الواق الصغير | Ardeidae | Resident in reed beds in N and C, uncommon on migration throughout the country |
Black-crowned Night-heron |
Nycticoorax nycticorax | بلشون الليل | Ardeidae | Very common resident in N and C, common on migration throughout the country |
Squacco Heron |
Ardeola ralloides | واق أبيض صغير | Ardeidae | Locally common summer visitor in reed beds in N and C, common on migration throughout the country, uncommon in winter |
Cattle Egret |
Bubulcus ibis | ابو قردان | Ardeidae | Very common resident in Palestine |
Grey Heron |
Ardea cinerea | بلشون رمادي | Ardeidae | Very common on migration and in winter throughout the country, rare in summer |
Purple Heron |
Adea purpurea | بلشون إرجواني | Ardeidae | Locally scarce resident in reed beds in N, uncommon on migration throughout the country |
Great Egret |
Casmerodius albus | مالك الحزين الكبير | Ardeidae | Common on migration and in winter |
Little Egret |
Egretta garzetta | البلشون الأبيض الصغير | Ardeidae | Very common resident in Palestine, common on migration and in winter throughout the country |
Black Stork |
Ciconia nigra | اللقلق الأسود | Ciconiidae | Common on migration (Mar - Apr, Sep - Oct), locally common in winter |
White Stork |
Ciconia ciconia | اللقلق الأبيض | Ciconiidae | Large numbers on migration (Mar - May, Aug - Oct), common in winter |
Marabou Stork |
Leptoptilos crumeniferus | اللقلق المرابط | Ciconiidae | Vagrant –RECORDED ON THE 23 OF APRIL 2015-Tarqomiyah-Hebron |
Yellow-billed Stork |
Mycteria ibis | اللقلق اصفر المنقار | Ciconiidae | Very rare visitor, mainly in summer-Wadi Qana –Sulfate 29 April 2015 |
Eurasian Spoonbill |
Platalea leucorodia | أبو ملعقة الأبيض | Threskiornithidae | Locally common in winter and on migration |
Glossy Ibis |
Plegadis falcinellus | أبو منجل اللماع | Threskiornithidae | Common resident in Palestine (Nablus, Jenin and TulKarem ), common on migration throughout 22 the country |
Northern Bald Ibis |
Geronticus eremita | أبو منجل الأصلع | Threskiornithidae | Vagrant (through Jordan River and Dead Sea Area-Birdlife International) Occasional |
Greater Flamingo |
Phoenicopterus roseus | (النحام الكبير (البشروش | Phoenicopteridae | Locally common in winter and on migration, rare in summer(PWLS Record Gaza August 2000) |
Ruddy Shelduck |
Tadorna ferruginea | بط أبو فروة | Anatidae | Rare in winter |
Common Shelduck |
Tadorna tadorna | الشهرمان | Anatidae | Locally common winter visitor |
Egyptian Goose |
Alopechon aegyptius | الإوزَّة المصريَّة | Anatidae | Migrants accidental till 80's. Recent records are of a feral populations |
Gadwall |
Anas strepera | بط سماري | Anatidae | Scarce in winter |
Eurasian Wigeon |
Anas penelope | الصواي | Anatidae | Locally common in winter and on migration |
Mallard |
Anas platyrhynchos | الخضاري | Anatidae | Common resident throughout the country, very common in winter and migration |
Northern Shoveler |
Anas clypeata | (الكيش ( أبو مجرف | Anatidae | Very common in winter and on migration |
Northern Pintail |
Anas acuta | البلبول | Anatidae | Common in winter and on migration |
Garganey |
Anas querquedula | حذف صيفي | Anatidae | Common on migration, very rare breeder in N |
Common Teal |
Anas crecca | حذف شتوي | Anatidae | Very common in winter and on migration |
Marbled Teal |
Marmaronetta angustirostris | شرشير مخطط | Anatidae | Rare breeder in Marj Ibn Amer, in winter seen mainly in Marj Ibn Amer |
Red-crested Pochard |
Netta rufina | الونس | Anatidae | Rare in winter |
Ferruginous Duck |
Aythya nyroca | البطة الحديدية | Anatidae | Very rare breeder mainly in Jerusalem Wilderness, uncommon in winter |
Common Pochard |
Aythya ferina | حمراوي | Anatidae | Common in winter and on migration |
Tufted Duck |
Aythya fuligula | زرقاي | Anatidae | Common in winter and on migration |
Red-breasted Merganser |
Mergus serrator | البلقشة حمراء الصدر | Anatidae | Very rare in winter |
White-headed Duck |
Oxyura leucocephala | (أبو مروحة (بط أبيض الرأس | Anatidae | Locally common in winter (Oct - Mar), mainly in Marj Ibn Amer and Jerusalem Mouuntian |
Egyptian Vulture |
Neophron percnopterus | الرخمة المصرية | Accipitridae | Uncommon and threatened summer visitor, Jerusalem Wilderness and. Common on migration |
Griffon Vulture |
Gyps fulvus | نسر أسمر أو نسر غريفين | Accipitridae | Uncommon and threatened resident, Jerusalem Wilderness |
Lappet-faced Vulture |
Torgos tracheliotus | نسر أذون أو العقاب النوبي | Accipitridae | Extinct as breeder, vagrant South East of Hebron, North of Negev |
Cinereous Vulture |
Aegypius monachus | النسر الأسود | Accipitridae | Rare in winter (Nov - mar), mainly Umm tut in Jenine |
White-tailed Eagle |
Haliaeetus albicilla | عُقاب البحر أبيض الذيل | Accipitridae | Rare winter visitor mainly to N, reintroduced resident in Jerecho 1998 |
Lesser Spotted Eagle |
Aquila pomarina | عقاب أسفع (أرقط) صغير | Accipitridae | Large numbers on migration (Apr, Oct),. Rare in winter |
Greater Spotted Eagle |
Aquila clanga | عقاب أسفع (أرقط) كبير | Accipitridae | Uncommon winter visitor (Nov - Mar), mainly in N. Rare on migration |
Steppe Eagle |
Aquila nipalensis | عقاب السهول أو عقاب البادية | Accipitridae | Common on migration (Oct - Nov, Feb - Mar), mainly in S. Rare in winter |
Eastern Imperial Eagle |
Aquila heliaca | ملك العُقبان | Accipitridae | Uncommon winter visitor (Nov - Mar), mainly in Jericho 2005 . Rare on migration |
Golden Eagle |
Aquila chrysaetos | العُقاب الذهبي | Accipitridae | Very rare resident in West Bank(Breeding in West Bank) , rare visitor |
Bonelli's Eagle |
Aquila fasciata | عقاب بونيللي او عقاب مخطط | Accipitridae | Very rare resident West bank , uncommon outside breeding season |
Booted Eagle |
Aquila pennata | عقاب المسيرة اوعقاب المنتعلة | Accipitridae | Common on migration, uncommon winter visitor |
Short-toed Snake-eagle |
Circaetus gallicus | (عقاب صرارة (نسر الثعابين | Accipitridae | Common summer visitor (Mar - Aug. Common on migration and Breeding in West bank |
Bateleur |
Terathopius ecaudatus | عقاب حكيم أو العقاب المصفق | Accipitridae | Vagrant 8 records, last on 2015 Tarqomia-Hebron PWLS |
Black-winged Kite |
Elanus caeruleus | حدأة سوداء الجناح | Accipitridae | Rare and local resident, Jenin –Tubas 2016 |
Black Kite |
Milvus migrans | الحدأة السوداء | Accipitridae | Very common in winter mainly, and on migration (Jericho, Jordan Valley and Jenin |
Western Marsh-harrier |
Circus aeruginosus | مرزة البطائح | Accipitridae | Common on migration and in winter, uncommon summer non-breeding |
Hen Harrier |
Circus cyaneus | مرزة الدجاج | Accipitridae | Very rare on migration, common winter visitor |
Pallid Harrier |
Circus macrourus | (مرزة بغثاء(باهتة | Accipitridae | Uncommon on migration and in winter (Oct - Apr) |
Montagu's Harrier |
Circus pygargus | أبو شودة أو مرزة مونتاجو | Accipitridae | Uncommon on migration |
Common Buzzard |
Buteo buteo | الصقر الحوام | Accipitridae | Common winter visitor |
Steppe Buzzard |
Buteo (buteo) vulpinus | حوام السهول | Accipitridae | Large numbers mainly on spring migration (Mar - May) |
Long-legged Buzzard |
Buteo rufinus | الحوام طويل الساق | Accipitridae | Uncommon resident,. Common migrant and winter visitor |
European Honey-buzzard |
Pernis apivorus | صقر العسل | Accipitridae | Large numbers on migration (Aug - Sep in N & C, Apr - May in S) |
Oriental Honey-buzzard |
Pernis ptilorhyncus | (حوام النحل الآسيوي (المتوج | Accipitridae | Some Highlights from spring 2016 |
Levant Sparrowhawk |
Accipiter brevipes | الباشق الشامي أو البيدق أو الباشق المشرقيّ | Accipitridae | Large numbers on migration (Winter) |
Eurasian Sparrowhawk |
Accipiter nisus | (الباشق (باشق العصافي | Accipitridae | Uncommon resident , common migrant and winter visitor throughout the country |
Northern Goshawk |
Accipiter gentilis | الباز | Accipitridae | Rare in winter (Nov - mar) |
Osprey |
Pandion haliaetus | (عقاب نساري (عقاب السمك | Pandionidae | Locally common on migration and in winter, mainly Jericho and Rift Valley |
Common Name |
Scientific Name | تجربةةasdasd | Family | Status & distribution |