Workshop of critical ecosystems file updated in the Mediterranean
Palestine wildlife society has organized in collaboration with Bird life International/Middle east office and Environment quality authority and the Department of Agriculture authority in the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh of October a special workshop to discuss and identify the key biodiversity areas in Palestine to update the environmental Palestinian file depending on the CEPF conditions.
this workshop was to identify the top 5 critical biodiversity areas to work on for the next 5 years with the participation of experts on biodiversity of several official and civil institutions and Universities ,which were represented by Dr.Issa Adwan from the Environment quality authority and Najeh Bani Odeh from the ministry of agriculture and Mohammad Hassasneh from Land Research Center along with Dr.Khaled sawalhah from Al-Quds University and Dr.Raed alkoni from Al-Najah Universty and Dr.Zuher amr from Palestine Museum of natural history along with Sami Baqla the specialist of Biodiversity and nature protection concepts in addition to the national Project coordinator for the Hotspots areas and the CEO of the Wildlife Palestine Imad Atrash and Hib Faroun .
in the opening Mr.Atrash stated that this workshop attended by experts from several of Palestinian national academic institutions and civil organization and official Partners and ministers were everyone contributed to put a wilder views and a different Update to the Profile everyone according to his specialty area then he thanked everybody for coming specially the Birdlife international for the Big effort In the past two weeks.